
Effective Date: 19 July 2021

A cookie is a set of information that a Site stores on your computer, and that your browser provides to the Site each time you return (using the same browser).

We use cookies to help identify and track visitors, their usage of the Site, and Site access preferences (you can read more about how we collect and use information in the Privacy Policy).

If you prefer not to have cookies placed on your computers, you can constrain this by setting your browser preferences to refuse cookies. If you do that before you use the Site, then this set of information will not be used by us. You can also remove cookies after you engage at which point they will no longer be used by us. Some features and functions available on the Site are delivered with the use of cookies, so may not be available, or which may be provided without the benefit of all of the features available to others, to you if cookies are not enabled.